Co-Founder of the7stars
Over the past 12 years, Jenny has grown the UK's largest independent media agency, an owner-managed company, to over £270m billings and 191 people. At the same time, she has created a better workplace-enabling the agency to be named as a Top 20 Employer for the last 5 years in the Sunday Times' ranking of "Best Small Companies to Work For."
In fact, according to an Times article, she has been giving her employees unlimited holidays for nearly a decade. She stated: “I’m all about people realizing their potential in a lateral way and not moving up the career ladder rung by rung.”
Jenny and her team believe that advertisers deserve accountability and complete transparency from their media agency partner. Plus, she feels that the best work comes from the best people servicing a client’s business, regardless of their media budget.
The7stars has championed a transparent way of working since inception by believing that their clients should be the agency’s sole source of income. They do not do any deals with any media or technology vendor that benefits the agency directly, and the7stars are the only media agency in the UK to support and agree to ISBA’s recommended client / agency contract.