Born: England
Worked in: London and New York
As Director of Digital Services, Oliver Snoddy supports Doremus, the business communications specialist, in all their digital activities-- advising on media, technology and social media opportunities for a wide range of b2b clients. Although just 30 years old, Oli’s already considered to be a world-renowned analyst focused on the implications of social media and social media research within the advertising and marketing sector. His insights have helped guide marketers to the most advantageous use of their campaign's social media findings.
One of his most notable accomplishments to date has been directing the team that conceived and seeded a corporate video for client Corning, which went viral on YouTube, resulting in almost 13 million views. Over a 30-day period, it became the second most shared video to Twitter, ahead of videos from Charlie Sheen and Lady Gaga. Today is ranks as the most watched corporate video of all time.
Entitled “A Day Made of Glass,” the engaging video portrays a family in a single day-- from home to car to work and beyond-- using future technologies to create an easier, enriched life, made possible by new varieties of modern glass from Corning and its scientists. See it at:
Originally created to stimulate the imaginations of key stakeholders about the possibilities of glass, the video is based on Corning’s vision of the future—in fact, the very near future. The short film has taken the viral world by storm and attracted all manner of visitor from around the world to be enchanted by the possibilities “A Day of Glass” offers.
Interestingly, Corning did not ask Doremus to create a YouTube sensation. And this unique corporate video does break the rules of most viral success stories. It didn’t air on the SuperBowl or the Academy Awards, or the Late Night Talk Show Circuit. It’s not funny; it’s not short (running time is 6 minutes); it doesn’t encourage someone to put themselves in it and send it around.
Prior to joining Doremus, Oliver headed social media and was director of digital planning at OMD in London, where he led digital planning and strategy across all agency clients including Vodafone, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, Channel 4, EasyJet, Coty, Peugeot and Sony. While working at OMD, he launched a social media offering across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Outside of his agency experience, Oliver was part of the launch team for the UK movie streaming site BlinkBox (think Netflix online), serving on the board as their head of advertising. BlinkBox was acquired by Tesco.
His articles containing insights about the impact of the digital culture have appeared in the UK and U.S. press, including the BBC.